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On March 26 2018 Honey, Fix It Inc "We Fix What Your Honey Doesn't!"
become a certified Women's Business Enterprise (WBE) by the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council "WBENC," the nation’s largest third-party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women! The certification gives women owned businesses the ability to compete for real-time business opportunities provided by WBENC Corporate Members and government agencies.
Through the Women's Business Enterprise Council PA-DE-sNJ (WBEC), a partner organization of WBENC and our local chapter, Honey, Fix It Inc. has certification that is accepted by over 700 major corporations, non-profit organizations, as well as many local, state, and Federal government agencies.
WBENC's is a world-class certification accepted by more than 1,000 corporations representing America's most prestigious brands, in addition to many states, cities and other entities. WBENC is also an approved Third Party Certifier for the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contracting Program.
Currently, the Women's Business Enterprise Council has 1086 WBENC certified women business enterprises with revenues of approximately $7 billion and who employ 28,000. The Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) provides the most widely recognized and respected certification in the United States for women's business enterprises (WBE)
Licensed To Succeed: Why Women-Owned Businesses Should Get Certified;
Learn more from the link below sourced by Nov 19, 2021,09:00 am (EST) by Pamela Kan Forbes Councils Member